VEDA Big Data SaaS

June - Oct 2014
UX Design

DATE: 20 June - 22 Oct
AGENCY: Precision
CLIENT: Veda Advantage > Inivio
TIME: 3 months
STATUS: Oct 2014: First of 5 services wireframed and in agile development, other 4 in various draft stages

View clickable prototype wireframes here (Contact me for the Password)

From July to October 2014 I worked with Inivio as their Senior UX Architect, defining a user interface to allow SME’s and large businesses to access Inivio data to process their own marketing data requirements without the aid of a broker or internal analyst.

The system I helped to define with the help of a BA and market expert will generate leads or clean and validate the addresses, phone numbers and email addresses in the customer database and identify duplicates. Append contact information, append marketing insights, profile a list and profile site visitors according to marketing landscape types.

I produced UX Wireframe clickable prototypes & designs for this web application which utilses the twitter bootstrap ACE.

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